
Fall 2018 Promotion: Fairfield County, Connecticut

I believe we have lost touch with making prints of our family images. Most of our photos are digital copies which are trapped on our phones, computers and yes facebooks. When I was a child we would have all our images printed and then put into albums; we have physical proof of our family’s childhood memories. Most of us have hard copies of the photographs from of our childhood for our future generations to see, physically touch and hold, but the next generation has their childhood backed up on google drive or facebook. 


For my niece’s generation to show them a photo of when they were baby’s we pull out our phones and look at our facebook albums. We don’t have the actual physical copies of their childhood images and we could lose them if we were to lose our phones or if Facebook were to suddenly disappear one day.  


I believe prints matter, so for the month of August when you purchase a collection featuring digital files, you’ll also receive the corresponding 4×6 print – absolutely FREE

To find out more about pricing click in the box below




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