
History in the palm of your hands

Hidden high in the shelves of your living room or low underneath your bed are your childhood photo albums.

Lifestyle Family Photographer Newtown Ct Kendra Conroy Photography

Each image in the album is full of unique stories and memories from your own past. Our own stories are important to share with others.

Lifestyle Family Photographer Newtown Ct Kendra Conroy Photography

Have you had the chance to sit down with your children (or in my case nieces) to show them your own childhood photographs?

Lifestyle Family Photography Fairfield County, Ct Photographer Kendra Conroy Photography

It is a special thing to share with them. Tell them all the stories…what it was like growing up, tell them all about the people in the images and who they were/are. Photographs tend to get pushed aside and forgotten, but it is important to share with others especially to the generation below us. 

Family Photography Fairfield County Connecticut Kendra Conroy Photography

I am a huge fan of printing your photos as I love having hard copies of images that you can look back at, touch and put into albums. Our own stories are important to share with others.


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