
Ridgefield Connecticut Family Photographer | Five tips to rock your family photos


Five tips to rock your family photos

You have officially booked your family session and now it is time to prepare for it! You might be feeling a bit nervous, but that is completely normal. How do you do you prepare exactly? Here are my top 5 tips for rocking your family photos


1) Relax

We all know having a camera in front of you can be intimidating, and it can be stressful trying to make sure your children are looking tip top and behaving, but staying calm and relaxed is always one of my top suggestions. If you are stressed, it will show in pictures and I want you to be enjoying your time your little ones loving on them, ticking them and just being together.

2) On the day of the session be sure everyone is well rested and fed.

We can all get a bit cranky when these basic needs are not met. It is important no one shows up to the session on an empty stomach. I encourage everyone has a substantial meal before the session to provide the energy to make it through a fun and potentially active session.

-Nothing worse than having hangry children during your family session


3) Be prepared to have fun, giggle and play games with your family.

I am not the photographer that focuses on everyone looking perfectly at the camera, but instead focus on the little moments and the connection between family members. We don’t want you to have to have stiff and rigid family photos for you to look back upon.

I always encourage my clients to loosen up, have fun, snuggle and laugh with their family. Don’t be afraid of playing with your children; tossing your toddler in the air, swinging your child back & forth, tickling your children or playing ring around the Rosie. Interacting with your children and playing with your children will create more genuine and happy smiles.


4) Be calm and patient with your little ones.

Little ones can be very hit or miss when it comes to their moods, they can be very unpredictable. I roll with the punches and try everything up my sleeve I can to get a smile out of them, but parents staying cool, calm and collective is often the best solution to their cranky vibes.

If their mood starts to go bad to worse in a matter of seconds I always recommend parents

  • Stay calm (they can sense when you are tense/stressed and it will make them more upset)

  • Hold them/rock them/sing to them/pat them on the back

  • Bring the child’s favorite comfort toy/book for them to hold, it can help calm them down


There is nothing sweeter than a photo of a momma comforting and loving on her little boy.

5) Give yourself enough time


I suggest arriving to the session at least 10 minutes early dressed and ready. I photograph the hour before sunset (golden hour) and after this hour the light is very limited. Be sure to give yourself enough time to get ready and to get to the location, nothing is worse then when you are rushing.

You’ve got this! I try to keep the session upbeat and fun for everyone.


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