
Please don’t wait

I hear it all the time…When so & so gets a little bit older we will have you take their picture.

I would love to share my personal feelings with you.

Siblings kissing: Fairfield County Connecticut Lifestyle Family Photography

Please don’t wait:

When a family asks to hold off on a photo shoot until their baby gets a little bit bigger they don’t realize how quickly babies change and grow. 

Family in park in Ridgefield,Connecticut Lifestyle Family Photography

In the short period of a time that we waited there have been several memories that we thought for sure we would never forget and now they have since passed.

SIblings playing in Park in Ridgefield, Ct Lifestyle Family Photography

Document the moments even if you think you won’t forget them.

Summer nights in Ridgefield,Ct Family lifestyle Photographer

There will come a time when you want to look back on these days and remember them when they were tiny.

Family snuggles in Fairfield County, Connecticut Lifestyle Family Photography

  1. says:

    So true, no time like the present!

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